Monday, April 04, 2005

Platform Dancing

I went clubbing yesterday and I noticed that if the place is not crowded enough, not one will even dance up on the platform. Everyone will just squeeze onto the dance floor. That is the purpose of the dance floor isnt it? To dance. But why squeeze and just bob your head up and down together with the rest? If that is the case, that wouldn't be dancing at all don't you think? Maybe the guys just wanna get the chance to "eat beancurd" if possible. I can't blame them, I had my fair share of it once. But it defeats the purpose of going dancing isn't it?

Since the dancefloor was so packed and the platform was sooo empty, I made my way there. Alone. Dancing is a form of expression and if I don't think that I am going to be bobbing my head around with the rest. I need my dancing space. And guess what? After about 5 songs or 15 min of dancing alone, everyone tries to get their feet on the platform.

Why the monkey see monkey do effect? Are people just too shy to go up onto the platform? I feel that is it not about showing off your dancing skills but more of an attitude and appreciation of the music. Lets not talk about Zouk, Chinablack or Double O since these these are head bobbing places.

If you are wondering where I went dancing after being crowded out. I went back to my seat and started dancing there. Away from the platform & dancefloor. Like I said, I need my dancing space.


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