Saturday, November 19, 2005

One man's journey in Orchard Road

I am so fucking pissed off!

Remember last week I went shopping and ordered a shirt?

Ok, not exactly ordered but reserved.

You see, last week when I went, there were no more no sizes for the t-shirt I wanted. After some enquiring with their other branches, they were pleased to inform me that the branch at Great World City had the size. By offering good customer service, they will courier the shirt from the branch at Great World to Ngee Ann City, but it will take awhile. They took down my name and number and said they will call me as soon as they got hold of it. I was to expect their phone call around Wednesday.

So I blogged about it and waited.

Wednesday, no phone call.

Thursday, no phone call.

So I decided to just get my ass down town today to check with them. Other than that, I still have to reserve a table at Magic Wok for my Birthday.

And guess what?

When I asked the sales girl who took down my particulars if the shirt has arrived or not, she dared to have the cheek to tell me this.

"Oh, you are the monk right? Yah, the shirt did came, but one customer saw it and wanted to buy it there and then, so I had to sell it."

I started to create a scene. A small one. Another staff member who was listening to our conversation tried to salvage the situation by asking the sales girl if she got call me or not.


I can tell the look on her face that she was guilty.

I helped her to reply.

Hello? I reserved that shirt one week ago! If I knew that you were going to sell it to some jackass off the street, I would have just gone to Great World City last week and bought it there and then!

Like that take down my particulars for fuck?

Of course I didn't said the above two paragraphs to them lah.


I am so angry and dulan that I vowed never to trust another sales assistant again when it comes to reserving a piece of clothing again.

Who cares about the customer? All they care about is earning their bloody pay!

No wonder the papers said that Singapore customer service cannot make it!

Fucked up!

And I was so excited about owning that t-shirt somemore!

Now it is in some jackass' possession.


I wasn't thinking about going home empty handed, so I combed Far East Plaza, stepping into every shop selling T-shirts.

But the only shirt that caught my eye was too expensive. It exceeded my budget of $30.


As if it wasnt my day, Magic Wok at Far East Plaza has closed down! Fucking hell! Got so bloody sway or not?

I felt so lost. My reserved t-shirt got sold away, the t-shirt which I liked was too expensive and the restaurant which I wanted to host my Birthday dinner treat closed down.

The lightings along Orchard Road were lighted up by the time I stepped out of Far East Plaza.

I remembered Elizabeth telling me that the lightings this year was very nice so I went to take a walk and soak in the feeling. It was also my way of cooling down after feeling so pek chek.

Somehow, the lightings along Orchard Road reminded me of Chinese New Year instead.

Its so red and yellow!

This Christmas tree was taken outside Paragon. Notice the lightings on the right side. Very Chinese New Year hor?

The rest of the night wasn't so bad.

Apart from an overdose of eye candy (it seems that they were all out in full force), the other interesting thing I saw was this guy drinking yakult.

Damn funny. You know yakult comes in bottles of 5 right? This guy I saw poked the straws through all the bottles and drank from the different straws at random. Some people really do the strangest things.

Dinner time was also an ear opener. Since I was alone, I chose to eat my dinner about 8 plus. Off peak hours and I know that there will be seats available.

Sitting beside me were two ladies. They were talking about mundane stuff: life and work and their love for char kway teow.

Yes I was evesdropping. I was alone, and bored! They were talking so loudly! What can I do? Change table? I was there first loh.

Just then, a couple walked past their table. Not any ordinary couple. It was a young lady with an old man about twice her age.

At first I thought that those two were father and daughter. So sweet. When was the last time I went out with my mother or father alone?

Then those two ladies beside me started gossiping about that lady and her sense of dressing (tank top and mini skirt) and concluded that the girl was a social escort judging from their intimate behaviour.

Initially one of them said that she was a bar girl but her friend corrected her and called her a social escort instead.

Why? Because bar girls don't start work that early.

Wah lau! Damn chek ark sial!

Just when I was about to leave for home, my mother messaged me asking me where I was. Apparently she was attending a dinner and dance at Meritus Hotel and she was finishing soon.

She didn't drive the car to dinner today and shes quite a sua ku when taking public transport. Since I am currently a man with too much time on his hands, I offered to waited for her so that we can go home together.

I didn't come home empty handed afterall.

I came home with my mum.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice! love the ending part of your post :)

2:08 AM, November 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanna see the lights!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sobsob... eh, the salesgirl very mean leh. Complain to her boosss :P

5:17 PM, November 19, 2005  
Blogger thelecherousmonk said...

The lightings won't run away, you have plenty of time to soak in the atomosphere after the exams Janice.

Aiyah complain also no use. Will I be able to get the shirt if i complained?

I'm not the sort of person who likes to smash people's rice bowl you know...

7:51 PM, November 19, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AAAAAA!! Bright lights! Bright lights!!!

Sorry to hear about the shirt. Should've burn down the shop ;)

One's not eavesdropping when the conversation is loud and clear for all to hear. ^o^


4:01 AM, November 20, 2005  

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