Saturday, February 18, 2006

About love and companionship

I don't know about you guys, but sometimes I feel like having someone to share my days with. Really, I wonder why. It's strange, isn't it?

There are lonely people all around the world. Is there any way to condition them so that they can get rid of the emotion? Personally I believe that it would be better for everyone if we did not have the desire to get paired up. But I guess it's a law of nature. Otherwise there won't be any babies born.

But why the need for companionship? Sharing your life with someone would be making yourself vulnerable. You'll be letting someone else know about your life and your secrets. Logically it would be unwise, but no, people still go around trying to get hitched.

But logic does not play a part in relationships, does it? Our parents hang on to us even when they really don't need us. Law of nature again.


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