Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The blogging hoo ha

Ok, why this post out of the sudden blue?

Sandy was saying "wah lao ur blog is perpetually STAGNANT"

Sorry lah... I wanted the banner competition to sink in to my viewers leh. Apparently, people were more interested in my Maxim review instead. Somemore I'm on a study break where got time to blog?

Ok, I'm digressing...

I posted this because the timing was just nice loh. Ok, I was doing my usual blog surfing and came across an article by XX about how schools are taking measures when their students blog "bad" things about them. And over small and minor things also. I know the subject of blogging in Singapore has already been discussed to death already, where blogging can either land you in jail or get you suspended from school yada yada yada.

Freedom of speech? None. Freedom to blog? Also don't have. How to vent our frustrations like that I ask you how? Keeping a diary no kick already leh.


Secret messages loh. Like during the ancient times when messages were passed through mooncakes like that. Only now, we do it in a different way.

Funny why nobody commented on this method. I mean, it has been around for like ages!!! Messages are passed to any reader who happens to see it. No I'm not talking about wearing a T-shirt with a message. I'm talking about the last row of seats behind SBS buses. (Funny why only SBS kena and not TIBS)

Notice that there are always some interesting message to read? About who complain about who, who love so and so and other micellaneous chatline and sex advertisements.

And thats not all! There are more places to find such interesting messages. I've encountered a very interesting one today.

The name has been mosiaced to protect the innocent? I took this picture while taking a shit at a public shopping centre/complex/plaza. Don't worry about the other faded text, you will get to read it later.

Apparently, there are pencil drawn arrows written all over the original text to lead your eyes to where to read next.

*Follow arrow*

"Who the hell is he?"

*Follow arrow*

"I heard last year he molested some girl student in the classroom. Beware of him, he won't forget boys too. He even fucked his mother!"

End of message.

Moral of the story

If teachers find that what their students write in their blog as offensive and defamatory... this is considered what?!

Wake up your idea lah.

Lecherous note:

My spies have located someone's blog for me. Bwhahaha. Now I really feel like a stalker. Its all worth it because...

Just for laughs... at my expense!

Too much studying really makes me brain dead sometimes.

I was so brain dead until I entered the female toilet by mistake today.

There was a 20 year old something lady who was just coming out and I think she was startled/shocked/insert word here.

Heng I realised my mistake and apologised immediately and got the hell out.

A guy with a goatee entering a lady's toilet!

She must be thinking that I'm some sick fuck or something trying to molest her or something.

Well, they don't call me the Lecherous Monk for nothing I guess.


Blogger /77!cH3//3 said...

i told u how many times le.. muz control yourself.. especially in public. see la.. let your temptations take over u again. lucky this lady didn't report police..not like the previous few. how many times muz i bail u out of there man?

3:04 AM, October 12, 2005  
Blogger LuKe said...

Mic: I didn't know Dan has such a...practice. LOL

Dan: check out my blog, I hope you won't strain your eyes as much again. =) lol


11:39 AM, October 12, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

send me original pic thx


11:35 AM, October 16, 2005  

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