Sunday, August 07, 2005

Clubbing Weekend

Wah lau, I didn't expect myself to go clubbing two days in a row. But the offer to go to MU was too great to resist. So great that I even went to meet my friends Brain and Boon Keng early for a happy hour session together.

Didn't see them for about a month and there were alot of catching up to do. I was afraid that by not seeing them after so long, we would behave like strangers but no, we hit it off just like everytime. Amist the catching up and talking cock, we were interuppted by one of their PR waitress. (Not the normal kind of waitress but the scantily dressed kind)

"Hi! My name is " (Cannot hear properly, music too loud even if we were speaking mouth to ear)

So she asks us the standard ice breaking sessions, how old are we, what are we doing now, do we come down often etc etc.

In turn we also ask her about why she chose to work in MU, if she had a day job and how was her job etc etc, all very formal types.

I found out that this woman is not the typical ah lian. She holds a day job, has a night job, and works freelance as a graphic designer. After conversing with her, we concluded that she is not simple.

But who cares? We were at MU to enjoy. After happy hour, we headed to 7-11 for more alcohol.

When we re-entered MU, the place was blasting with my favourite genre of music already. I didn't even need to warm up and my body just goes with the beat of the music, with my eyes scanning the crowded surroundings for any pretty or familar faces.

Then I saw one, and she was... how to say leh?

Special in a way lah. She was so near my group! The way she grooves, her hair, and at every light that falls on her face in the dark club, I will steal a glance at her. Wah lau eh, good music, good eye candy, in the company of good friends who enjoy the same genre of music, where to find I ask you, where to find?

Oh yea, I mastered the steps that Ralphael taught. The part where the feet goes...
\/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/ /\ \/

The smooth flooring in MU enabled me to do so!

We stayed until 3.30am before we decided to call it a night. If I wasn't too tired from two nights of clubbing, I would have stayed awhile longer, to dance and to bio a particular somemore.

Overall, Fun!


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