Sunday, September 25, 2005

A Lecherous Monk's review of...

All you returning hot blooded males and jealous females...

Tsk tsk!

* * * * *

The Lecherous Monk's review of Maxim Singapore Issue #13! Bought this after dinner with my parents at Junction 8.

The first thing I did when I got home was to flip through it, while taking pictures. Haha.

I pushed away all my notes on my study table and Maxim took centerstage!

Actually, I did not buy this magazine because of the dua neh bu on the cover. (Ok lah, that was one of the reasons, but the main reason why I bought it was because of this!)

Maxim uncovers Singapore's Sexiest bloggers! How sweet is that?! I wonder who is the cover girl? Hmmm.

Its none other than Singapore's very own Wendy aka XiaXue!

The separate magazine is so thin! I wonder how much bloggers can they actually feature? Lets see.




Wendy. Wah, she take up 5 pages already.


Oooo. Whos this?! Janice! Never put blog address! *Wails*


Janice again! *Drools* On closer inspection, I realised that she look very familiar leh! I wonder where have I seen her before...


CJ? Why the photo taken at such an odd angle one? Her blog addy is Hmmm, maybe should pop by her blog one of these days.


Yan. Blog addy is Wait a minute... @blogspot? I believe there is a typo error. Upon logging onto the net, I tried the address with an @. No results. I tried with a . and voila! it is! Note to self: Will pop by one of these days.


Sandra Ng is Sandralicious! Man, the picture sure is hot! Better than the ones found in her flicker. Somehow, I already know that she will be featured inside, given the publicity that she has received over these past few months. In my opinion, this feature wouldn't be hot if she wasn't inside! Read all about her at

Thats the last of it. Not enough leh. I feel that there are also a few whom I felt that should be able to make it into the hottest bloggers hall of fame.

  1. Very Poisonous Lady
  2. Pink Shoe Fetish
  3. Sarong Party Girl
  4. Blinky Mummy, aka Hot Convent Girl as Rockson claims.

I got to know of the first 2 blog's existence because of a post which I read some time back in Miss Black High Heels Blog. Then it struck me. I went to do a search in her archives and I realised that Maxim has planned this issue and photoshoot 2 months ago!

Miss Black High Heels said in her post dated July 11 2005.

"Received an email from a local magazine to do a bikini photoshoot for one of their sexy blogger issue. I'm not considered sexy."

I don't think this magazine is FHM right?

Anyway, this month's issue of Maxim Singapore is worth it. Plenty of interesting articles and an overdose of eye candy. I see until nose bleed ah...

What you waiting for? Get your copy today! I'm not lending!

PS: Does anyone knows this Janice? Damn familiar leh! And its driving me nuts! Arghhh!


Blogger Evelyn said...

Wah I'm not in the list. So sad.

They usually plan photoshoots 1-2 mths before they publish the magazine loh.

Heehee...good that you scanned it on your blog. So I don't have to buy!

12:06 PM, September 26, 2005  
Blogger thelecherousmonk said...

Well, if you wanted to know, you were in the list initially. But after I searched your archives, you claimed that you are not in their league, so I removed it.

For a blogger, being a good read is better than being a good look don't you think?

Just for the record, I wonder what you would look like in a bikini. Haha.

3:01 PM, September 26, 2005  
Blogger Evelyn said...

Haha I can't do the photoshoot lah.

It's too weird for me. Too EXPOSING.

I quite conservative.

3:46 PM, September 26, 2005  
Blogger Chuang Shyue Chou said...

Wooo! Woo! Three cheers for Maxim!

8:31 PM, September 26, 2005  
Blogger tempo dulu said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

5:22 PM, September 27, 2005  
Blogger Johnny Malkavian said...

eve: consider it to your credit you weren't featured.

7:15 PM, September 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Janice won the DreamD8 moblog competition organised by Singtel sometime ago..

10:31 PM, September 28, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

janice was in dream8 by singtel. there was a big hoohaas over some other gers voting for themselves n stuffs.

11:35 AM, September 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

erm...I didnt win the competition btw .... :)

6:09 PM, October 02, 2005  
Blogger thelecherousmonk said...

OMG. The Janice which was featured in Maxim commenting on my blog!

10:25 PM, October 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wooooo, im gonna feature these hot babes in !!

7:04 AM, October 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why wasn't DAWN YANG featured?! why why why!

5:37 PM, October 30, 2005  

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