Friday, October 28, 2005

Whos who?

Recalling this conversation I had with my study group a few days back...

Mich was asking, "what is a poser?"

Ralph came up with an example.

"If you are poor and pretend and act like you are filthy rich and all that, you are a poser."

Then I asked him.

If someone who "promotes" his status is called a poser, then what do you call someone who "demotes" his status?

"Oh, that one is even worst. That one is called a hypocrite!"

Our conversation then started to steer towards identifying who is who among the people who know.

The funny thing is, we all came to a conclusion that only one person is eligible to be both a poser AND a hypocrite!

Man, we had a good laugh that day just talking about that person.

Riddle of the day: Can you guess who than person is?

According to,

A poser is a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not. Also known as a wannabe.

A hypocrite is one who puts on a mask and feigns himself to be what he is not.

Same difference no?

Then I started thinking... The nickname "Lecherous Monk" is one which you can say "demotes" my status.

Does that make me a hypocrite?



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