Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Have you ever thought about it?

They were late, as usual.

We were supposed to meet at Cineleisure before deciding where to go for supper.

Me and my friend (I've known for 15 years) were taking a smoke outside Cineleisure while waiting for another two of our friends to arrive.

And I can't help but notice the people around me.

Couples, groups of males and females.

It seems that we two were the only group without women.

And I was telling my friend if he ever thought about this.

Me: Have you ever regretted going to an all boys Primary and Secondary school? What if we went to mixed schools instead?

He: Nah, never regretted. I'm happy with what I have currently.

Me: Well, for starters, if I've gone to a mixed school, the person talking to me now could very well be someone else!

He: And maybe we would be waiting here with a mixed company of guys and girls compared to our current situation of two guys waiting for another two guys!

Me: And if we were a big group, we could have more activities to do! Dinner tables must always be reserved. The same goes to watching movies etc etc.

He: And within that group one of them may be your girlfriend from secondary school!

Me: Hmmm, maybe hor?

And we proceeded to talk more about this "what if" topic. It became more nonsensical as the minutes go by until our friends arrived. But it was fun while it lasted.

* * * * *

From what I know, most close friends are still those from their primary and secondary school days.

If I had gone to a mixed school instead, would my circle of friends be bigger than what I have currently? Will my Saturday nights be always packed with activities? Would I be happily attached?

Its not that I purposely think about such stuff. But like I said, whenever I'm alone, my mind just wanders off and starts thinking about such things.

Yesterday was one of the rare occasions I discussed such thoughts with my friends.

Why am I even thinking about such things? Whats wrong with me? Is my life not fulfilling enough? Am I not happy with what I have currently?

I don't know.

I have understanding parents, good friends and friends whom I've considered as brothers. Whats there to be unhappy about?

Which brings me another thing. I think the term "brother" that is used to call any Tom Dick and Harry is over used. And since I'm degressing, I shall leave this topic for another day.

What about you? Have you ever thought about how your life would change if you went to another Primary and Secondary school instead?

Give a shout out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never ever regretted going to an all boys school during sec sch fact i call it the best ever decision i have ever made in my life.brothers are forever,and through the brothers i got to know females who became very good friends as it's not a problem's just the male hormones wrecking havoc now...that's why the thought of "what if"...heh...cheers.

3:48 PM, January 11, 2006  
Blogger Zhe Bin said...

Hmm. I came from mixed schools (primary & secondary and then poly) but I don't usually hang out with girl friends too. At least most of the time. It depends whether you are keeping in contact with those that you know. I think if you aren't, then probably even if you have a large amount of girl friends you won't be hanging out with them too. So yeah. Take things easy man.

11:56 PM, January 11, 2006  

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