Sunday, March 05, 2006

From bad to worse to cannot make it!

Last night at Music Underground was the worst night ever!

The DJ didn't play any Eurodance music until 4am! The crowd (whats left of it) literally went wild upon hearing eurodance being played. Myself included. And when he did, he only played for 20 minutes!

I was like what the fuck? Hello? Is the management of Music Underground blind or something?

No one is practically dancing on the dancefloor with all that RnB crap loh! From where I was standing, it looked like though those who were on the dancefloor were chitchatting standing up.

If we wanted RnB, there is always other bigger and better clubs to go to. Stop trying to be one of the clubs. People go to a certain club is it plays the kind of music they like in the first place. Stick to Eurodance.

If RnB music is the path Music Underground intends to head to, I reckon they will lose ALOT of customers.

If thats the case, I will have no more homeground. Weekend entertainment will be boring. And the only reason why I go clubbing is because I have an occasion to drink. No club, no drinks.

I may just stay away from alcohol altogether.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

tiesto's coming to spore. u will love it :) i did!

5:07 PM, March 05, 2006  

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