Sunday, August 14, 2005

Why so unfair one?

Ok, I got myself the latest free edition of GameAxis from a LAN shop and was reading the current and upcoming game reviews. In this month's issue, they featured a multiplayer game for the mobile phone called Metal Unit.


Metal Unit features giant Mech-Robots, huge explosions, tactical reconnaissance, and strategic thinking! Turn-based Multiplayer mayhem! Choose your Mech, pick your weapons and roll out your team! It’s that simple! Battle Head to Head with your unseen opponent anywhere, anytime. Chances are, your opponent will never know what hit ‘em!

For your info, I am a fanatic over all thing robotics. Any anime, games or movies that have anything to do with mech-robots, I will always try my best to get it either by purchase or download.

So I noted down the url for that site and clicked on the PLAY NOW! link.

  1. Select country...
  2. Select download source...
  3. Login...
  4. Proceed to buy/download page...
Then I saw this.

What do I need to play Metal Unit?
You need a Java-enabled GPRS mobile phone and a GPRS plan with your mobile operator or service provider. The list of supported mobile phones include:
Nokia 3100
Nokia 3300
Nokia 3650
Nokia 5100
Nokia 6100
Nokia 6108
Nokia 6220
Nokia 6610
Nokia 6800
Nokia 7210
Nokia 7250
Nokia 7250i
Nokia 7650
Nokia N-Gage
Nokia N-Gage QD

What the fuck?

Bloody hell, not even a single Sony Ericsson phone supports the game!

And I was so eager about the whole thing somemore!


Pek Chek!

Imagine if I only came to know about it after downloading?


Don't want to think about it. Too tired to think.


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