Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Story Telling

Wah lau, I never thought that today will be the day where I start thinking of stories out of my head. Today's test, 10 questions. 10 %. 1 mark each. With questions so generic and notes so vague, how to answer to the point I ask you? How?!

Lan lan suck thumb loh. Based on the points in the notes, I start spinning a web of lies just to answer every question. Like Sandy used to tell me. Don't know also anyhow whack. I think I whack alot leh. Don't know can pass anot.


  1. I discovered that my school finally has an ATM machine! Finally! Now no need to worry about not having enough money within the school premises!

  2. My home desktop monitors are giving up on me again!!! *Wails* Look at its current state!

    Sometimes I need to hit it in order for it to become normal. Initially it was ok. Now, I hit until hand pain leg pain also like that. See also eye pain head pain. Arghh! Pek chek!

    Therefore, I send this plea to all my readers: If you have upgraded your PC monitor to a LCD flat screen type and is wondering how to discard your old one, GIVE IT TO ME!!! I will even come down to your place personally to collect it!

    If you want to know, I'm a cheapskate. I rather reuse than to buy a new one. Thank god one of my classmate has an old 17 inch monitor and he don't mind giving it to me. I'm going down to his place to collect it later. One monitor down, one more to go! The plea is still on!

  3. Want to know the secret to being slim? I eat more vegetables than you thats why. So much more that I think I'm turning vegetarian. You see, my family's standard dinner is economic rice ta bao-ed from our nearby coffeeshop. And we have a habit of changing the ingredients so that each of us has a wider variety of what goes into our mouth and into our stomach. As for tonight's dinner...

    Tadah! On closer inspection...

    2 vegetables and 1 meat...

    3 vegetables...

    1 fishcake and 2 vegetables...

    Change here change there.... also vegetables loh! How to grow fat like that I ask you? How?!

  4. There. Done with my dinner and blogging at the same time. Time to go over to my classmate's place to get his monitor before it rains! Ciao!


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