Friday, December 16, 2005

Being SDU - Nice Guys vs Bad Boys

The only reason why I think people like me are still on the shelf is because we are known as the nice guys.

I will give a brief recap on why nice guys never finish the race or finish last. I know that this topic has been discussed to death so bear with me.

From my observation, nice guys are only good enough to be friends. Why? Let me give an example. I'm sure you all have read it or heard it somewhere before.

This girl is going out with Mr Bad Boy. She thinks that she can use her charm to change him. Sometimes, she may even resort to using her body. Little did she know that all Mr Bad Boy wanted was his numbers on his little score book to go higher. Once he scored a home run, he dumps her.

Shattered, the girl goes crying to Mr Nice Guy. Mr Nice Guy, being nice (duh!) consoles her, assures her that everything is alright and that there is always other guys to choose from. After awhile, she feels that she is ready to get attached again and finds another bad boy. Mr Bad Boy 2 promises her that he will be unlike Mr Bad Boy 1.

Yea, he leaves behind a bigger scar by doing something more drastic. And the girl goes crying to Mr Nice Guy again. The vicious cycle keeps going on until the girl settles down with a Bad Boy she can live with while Mr Nice Guy is left... all alone.

After typing all this bullshit, I discovered that there was an article written by Garrett Hols on the internet. You can read all about it here. Its context is somewhat similar.

What do the Bad Boy possess that girls get attracted to him like bees to honey? Or like how the Mr Nice Guys say it, like flies to shit.

Quoting Blinkymummy, "The guy can be a super mean, despicable, heartless, incorrigible bastard to everybody out there, but when he comes home, he succumbs to his chick. Not exactly 'succumb' to the extent where he becomes a dog, but that he is gentle to her."

Read all about it here.

Above all these, I think Bad Boys possess a heck care attitude, they are not afraid to take risks and spews out Hokkien better than English. Why do you think those Ah Bengs during my time are all attached to all the chio Ah Lians?

Even in the magazines that I have read, girls prefer the bad boys because they give them the thrill, but will settle for a nice guy if they want to get married. From this I can conclude that marriage is the end of fun (heaven) and the beginning of boredom (hell).

Thats why nowadays, I despised being called a nice guy. You can say that I'm a helpful or a friendly guy but PLEASE, do not call me a nice guy. Its becoming such a taboo word that I cringe whenever I hear myself being called that. I want to have fun too!

Ok, I'm digressing. Lets continue with the article proper.

So should we Mr Nice Guys try to be a Mr Bad Boy?

I reckon that its no use. Not natural. Women can sense this kind of things. They can tell after mixing around with you long enough.

So is there no hope for us Mr Nice Guys?

More or less lah, unless we can change our attitude, our seh and learn the art of paikia-ism.

Me? I think you wait 10 or 20 more years, also no change.

I guess its partly because of our parents upbringing and the friends we choose to mix with.

Funny, I hang around in arcades and billard saloons when young and I'm still like that.

I guess I'm doom. Condemned to bacherlorhood. There goes my hope of having fun. What hope did I actually have in the first place?

Maybe I should start registering myself with SDU (Social Development Unit) and earn the reputation of being SDU. Single, Desperate and Unwanted.

Who wants to join me?


Blogger LuKe said...

U must be joking dude, registering SDU??? OMG sometimes you don't need to be the "bad guy" to get all the gals - you need to know when to be good or bad. It's all situational. Also must know how to do scouting.

*opps* giving out my commercial wif me in private abt dis ok? :)

It's just fate at times.


5:11 PM, December 18, 2005  

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